Global Consulting Resources
Get The Credit Score You Desreve
This is where we tell you the stuff that our legal people tell us we have to tell you :
We, (Global Consulting Resources, Venturecovery Inc., The Thorpe Corp, Partners Associates and/or Affiliates )"We" meaning the following and aforementioned "I, me, us, our, and all Company Names constitute the following herein now and through out. We can not guarantee that the service will always function without disruptions, delay or errors. A number of factors may impact the quality of Services and/or Products and may result in the failure, including but not limited to: FICO® approval methods, trade line not reporting, your credit history or lack thereof, policies and procedures based on the perspective institutions bias, your ISP, your local network and/or any other factors not mentioned here based on overall odds through third party companies, their respective policies, procedures and risk liability is their sole discretion. Global Consulting Resources acts to takes no responsibility for any disruption, interruption or delay caused by any failure or inadequacy in any of these items or any other items over which we have no control. So be cool, and tell us if you experience any issues okay?
We promise to do our best to fix things that are in our control, and you promise to be cool about the things that are completely out of our control.
This information is not intended to be used as a method of defrauding banks, creditors, or any other organization that requires your social security number as identification. This is not a method to avoid paying your existing or future debts. If you created the debt, you are responsible to repay that debt. However, we will not support, facilitate, nor condone any fraudulent activity Ill-submitted papers and or documents. The information here is educational only and for you to use at your own risk. We are not lawyers or any legal services.
If you have used our services via call, text or email (or any third party person and/or company) this applies to you, regardless if you have or have not visited our (THIS) web site spoken with me via call, email or text, or signed the Hold Harmless Agreement located on our website. If you failed to sign the (HHA) We have no legal contractual agreement to do business and you have released me, my company and all affiliates etc from any legal lawsuits, actions, proceeding and/or litigation rather criminal and/or civil. It is your full responsibility to do due diligence and to fully read, locate and understand our policies on THIS PAGE.
We have a no refund policy on credit repairs AVSCN/SSN profiles or Authorized User Tradelines (AUs) or Primary Trade lines (Individual/Joint) that report to none or only one of the three bureaus due to the work we must do and monies (our cost) filing fees etc: to provide you with the product/service. We are not in control of nor do we operate or own hold stakes stocks in any of the credit bureaus nor control their policies or changes thereof. Nor do we control creditors or collection companies in same manner etc.. and the work needed to provide you information We Use "Absolute Assignment Of Debt" to report Primary Trade lines (Which includes Paper work that must be filed show a paid debt to all involved parties original creditor collection company and our company). (HOWEVER, WE WILL REPLACE SERVICES OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE, GIVEN IF IT DOESN'T POST AT ALL DUE TO OUR ERROR ONLY)
Please see terms of service below
http://www.justice.gov/opcl/privacy-act-1974 Federal Privacy Act
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy_Act_of_1974 Related Link Wikipedia
Q: Do you really understand how your social security number is used?
A: The social security administration was created during the great depression. The Federal Government's
intention was to allow Americans to save for our retirement so that we may live in our senior years. Like
it or not that was the plan.
Over the years, the "social security" number, which was intended to identify your retirement accounts,
has become a tool for the government and other private organizations to track us in numerous ways.
Although, that was not the original intent of a "Social Security Number", it has become an easy way for
different organizations to identify us. For example, you are often asked for your SS # for a new bank
account, credit union, or when applying for a driver's license.
Q: Why do these organizations insist on requiring your social security number to identify you?
A: Because we allow them to! The sole purpose of your social security number is for tax and social
security use ONLY!
The law states that No federal, state, or local government agency may deny you any right, privilege or
benefit due to your refusal to provide your SS # for any other reason than producing money for retirement
account with the Social Security Administration, the IRS and your employer today.
Credit Bureaus are not legally allowed to "require" your Social Security Number. In our country's present
credit reporting system a person may be assumed guilty and then must expend a great deal of time and
resources to prove his or her innocence. Additionally, once a negative item is in a credit file it may remain
long past the 7 year time period most people believe is used. Additionally, a misreported item can show
up in a credit report multiple times.
Q: What Will My New Credit Score Be?
A: Your new credit file will be completely blank, and it will take the acquiring of credit accounts and
credit history to attain a new credit score.
Q: Am I still responsible for all my old debts?
A: Yes. You are still completely responsible to handle all of your prior debts.
Q: Is this a second social security number?
A: No. Your new nine digit credit profile number will not be used for any government interactions.
Employment, Drivers License's, Welfare, and any other social welfare was meant to utilize your Social
Security Number to gain benefits.
Q: Can I use this number just like a Social Security Number?
A: No. This number is for credit purposes only and is not to be used for the following: Military, Child
support, DSS income, SSI, taxes, FHA, VA, or any government programs or funding.
Q: Can I use A novelty item as my own?
A: You must send by law what you are asked or required
Q: What an Can I Use With My New Credit Profile?
A: This new credit profile can be used for credit purposes only. It can be used for attaining credit cards,
car loans, mortgages (private party only), personal unsecured loans and more.
Straight from the FBI website:
Remember the SCN/NEW NUMBER is solely for credit purposes only. Currently, federal law allows individuals to legally use NEW NUMBERs for financial reporting and protects those individuals who do not wish to disclose their SSAN. Individuals who acquire NEW NUMBERs are completely responsible for any debt they incur using this number.(http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/)
Legality of NEW NUMBER:
Presently, federal law allows the ability for someone to legally use a private ID # for financial reporting
purposes instead of a Social Security Number.
Title 5, Section 7 of Publication Law 93-579 of Government Organization and Employees Act:
(a) (1) It shall be unlawful for any Federal, State or Local Government Agency to deny any individual any
right, benefit, or privilege provided by law because of such individual's refusal to disclose his or hers
Social Security Account Number.
What this means is Federal Law protects those who do not wish to disclose their personal information
(SS#) except where required to do so. Disclosure of your social security number is only required when
dealing with the IRS, your employer, or when applying for a federally insured mortgage. Instead of a
Social Security Number, you now have the opportunity to establish a New Number (NEW NUMBER).
A New Number is a new 9 digit number established for financial reporting purposes. This
number is NOT a new social. It is simply an available file number at the credit bureaus that can have
financial information reported. You have the right to establish this number only once, so do not abuse it.
The bureaus or the IRS can take part in this process to establish your NEW NUMBER. YOU ARE LIABLE FOR
is used by celebrities, congress members/government workers, and witness protection reasons. For
example, celebrities use it because the media can use their SS# to track what they are buying and where
they are simply by tracking their credit cards.
Further, in example, congress holds special privileges to the law; therefore, their privacy needs to be
protected. In another example, witnesses under protection can be located if they use their true social
security number for transaction. This is the reason why there is the existence of a New Number
program. Reasons are not limited to the previous, so why shouldn't you have a NEW NUMBER?
Members of Congress plan to reintroduce a bill to restrict the availability and use of Social Security
numbers, hoping the effort will reduce identity theft. A Social Security Subcommittee Chairman by the
name of E. Clay Shaw, announced at a July 11 hearing that he and subcommittee ranking member Robert
Matsui, plan to unveil legislation to restrict the sale and public display of Social Security numbers,
establish penalties for violations, limit dissemination of numbers by credit reporting agencies, make it
more difficult for businesses to deny services if a customer refuses to provide their social security
number. The goal is to improve the integrity of the Social Security number assignment process.
"Congress must act this session to protect the very number it requires each of us to obtain and use
throughout our lifetime," said Shaw.
Terms & Conditions Legal Disclaimer
Prices and product availability are subject to change without notice. All specials and promotions limited to stock on hand. Call for current prices. Competitive and version upgrades require proof of purchase of qualifying software. Global Consulting Resources is not responsible for typographical errors and we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information published in our catalogs and websites. The documents and graphics published on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Global Consulting Resources makes no representation about the suitability of the information and graphics represented on this site. All such documents and graphics are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
If an error is made and a product is listed at an incorrect price, Global Consulting Resources shall maintain the right to refund or cancel orders placed at the incorrect price. If the order has been confirmed and charged to you, Global Consulting Resources shall immediately issue a credit in the amount of the incorrect price. We reserve the right to limit quantities on promotion products. Separate policies apply for specific offers within this website. See individual offer policies and notes for details. Global Consulting Resources reserves the right to decline orders from resellers.
We are not liable under any legal theory for consequential or incidental damages arising from shipping delays, system downtime, loss of data or for any loss, damage or expense arising from product malfunction or defect. We expressly disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This disclaimer in no way affects the terms of the manufacturer's warranty, if any. Other restrictions may apply. No Resellers Sales.
Product Information
Although measures are taken to ensure the information on this website is as timely and accurate as possible, Global Consulting Resources assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of such information or its relevance to a specific use or application. Actual performance of products may vary based upon many factors and may be less than stated. Differences in system hardware Prior credit reports, current utilization, bad or no pays, late pays, charge off accounts, or any other items//information/things that are considered bad or no credit; Any software design or configuration, as well as system use patterns, may affect product/service performance
Global Consulting Resources contains Webpages that may contain links to websites and the content of third parties ("Third Party Content") as a service to you. Global Consulting Resources does not monitor, review or update, and does not have any control over, any Third Party Content or third party websites. Unless expressly stated otherwise, Global Consulting Resources does not endorse or adopt any Third Party Content, and Global Consulting Resources makes no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or reliability of any Third Party Content. If you use these links and the Third Party Content, you do so entirely at your own risk. In addition, reference to any products, services, processes or other information by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply any endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by Global Consulting Resources unless expressly stated otherwise.
© Global Consulting Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of federal laws. AVSCN is a registered trademark of Global Consulting Resources, Inc. Global Consulting Resources and Global Consulting Resources, Inc. are trademarks of Global Consulting Resources. All product names throughout this website are trademarks of their respective holders.
All (AU) tradelines will be now given with the address of tradeline adding. If your AU Line doesn't report within 10 business days
Proof of Non Posting are required 10 days before the end of the tradeline closing or Replacement will not be give. Refunds nor replacements WILL be given on ANY AU Lines Where proof has been shown YOU WERE ADDED TO line. NO exceptions. It is your full responsibility to pull your own reports where and when a soft or hard pull is required or applicable. We will provide the cardholders address.
Hard pulls and Address changes are required to help get the bureaus to merge with your credit report once confirmation has been given.
AS of july 1st 2017, Au (Authorized User) Tradelines are now given 7 to 10 days after the statement date to report.
Terms of Service
A application does not constitute a legal contract of or for services. However, if you submit an application for service via this website by phone or text message and use any of our services, that application constitute that you agree and our bound by the following outlines terms of service.
Applicant agrees that Global Consulting Resources (hereinafter referred to as “the company” or “company’s”) may place applicant’s “option contract” to a no-qualifying lender of company’s choice to accommodate any of the company’s products, including primary account and joint account approval/s, and applicant/s hereby agree/s to all of the “option contract’s” credit terms as described below as a condition of approval. An “option contract” is an instrument for a company to extend to its customers, allowing the use of a Credit Line Agreement under terms which allow the company to sell, assign, and/or place the contract to a qualified lender of the company’s choice to accommodate the applicant/s request for credit.
Credit Terms:
Annual Percentage Rates
0% for life of account
Penalty APR and When it Applies:
Paying Interest:
This account is an interest-free line of credit for the life of the account.
Minimum Interest Charge:
Account Fees:
No Annual or Monthly fees will apply to this line of credit for life
Special Fees Applied:
Timing / Billing Cycle Definition:
A billing cycle is a time period that ends on a Statement Closing Date (or Closing Date) determined by us and begins on the day after the Closing Date of the previous billing cycle. Each monthly statement reflects a single billing cycle. It takes one to two billing cycles (30-60 days), up to three billing cycles (90 days) for accounts to be established with these companies and for them to post to the credit bureaus. We are not in any way in control of this timing, or the reporting to the credit bureaus, as we do not have a data furnishing relationship with any of the credit bureaus, that is the sole responsibility of the company who established your account to put you in queue for reporting on their next scheduled reporting date.
Date Accounts Are Established:
All accounts are established as of the date of the application. We in no way ask these companies to back date credit lines as it is the same as signing a legal contract on a different date and asking a Notary Public to date and sign on your behalf as of another date, or writing a check as of a different date other than the date it was signed. It is an illegal act and will deem your account as a fraudulent transaction. For these reasons, we do not back-date nor do we ask these companies to break the law and back date these accounts on your behalf.
Our Refund Policy:
We guarantee that we will connect establish the credit line that you requested when submitting your application. These companies are the ones who maintain the data reporting relationships with the credit bureaus. These companies are in no way in the business of enhancing people’s credit. Just by having higher limit credit lines appear on your credit reports, it should help to offset your utilization rates and demonstrate credit worthiness, depending on the algorithm the bureaus are using at any particular time. We in no way guarantee your credit scores will increase, as we have no way of simulating that effect. However, in the event none of the companies in our network are willing to provide you with the high limit credit line you requested (unless they deny you because you are using a CPN, at which point your fee is non-refundable, for submitting your application with the intent to commit fraud, see above), then we will issue you a refund.
Once we have acted as a liaison between you and the company, and they agree to create an account for you and report to the credit bureaus, our part of the contract has been satisfied and no refunds will be given unless all these companies refuse to create such account, at which time you will be notified and an immediate refund will be processed minus any processing fees etc.. The responsibility for reporting your credit will be solely on the side of the company that has agreed to establish a high limit credit line on your behalf. We do not have a data reporting relationship with the bureaus, so we act as a liaison in order to connect you with a company that does, and is willing to establish an account with you regardless of your credit history, in order to help assist in enhancing your credit organically now and in the future.
Credit Bureau Reporting:
All reports to the credit bureaus will be through the company you were referred to that will establish a high limit credit line on your behalf. Once they establish an account for you in the amount of the credit line you requested, they will put you in queue for reporting to the credit bureaus. Each of these companies will maintain their own schedules for reporting. We in no way are the company that reports to the credit bureaus, so no part of this process is under our control. We will, however, contact them and discuss any concerns you may have in the event you contact us with questions that we do not have the answers to, and act as a liaison on your behalf. As such, the time it takes to report to the credit bureaus by this company is not under our control, it is at the sole discretion of the company and the person managing their credit reporting department, as well as each of the credit bureaus’ respective timing in processing the new accounts once they have been received by the company. Due to the security measures implemented by the credit bureaus, and each of them being independent entities, we have no guarantee as to how long it takes for them to process new accounts depending on their respective schedules and security measures since these are not authorized user or credit card accounts, they are “no qualify” high limit credit lines, which may take a little longer to be approved by each bureau.
If applicant provides a (CPN) and the company rejects, flags or catches it on applicants application, all contracts will be cancelled and no fees will be refunded if the application was completed with an “intent to commit fraud”. Only verifiable SSNs are accepted and refunded if use and caught being used on applicant application. CPNs are “non-refundable.” The only way to reverse this is to provide a verifiable SSN for processing.
Credit Disputes:
Once we connect you with these companies that establish accounts (we have done our part) and they open these accounts and furnish data to the credit bureaus on your behalf (they have done their part). If these accounts are disputed by you and removed by the bureaus, there really isn’t anything that can be done at that point; it’s not as though the process starts all over again. By way of your dispute, you are terminating our agreement and this act is “non-refundable;” and there shall be no refund, as we have done our part to fulfill our part of the agreement/contract.
Once Services Have Been Rendered:
Once the process has taken place, and we have connected you with a company who has agreed to establish a high limit credit line account for you, we have done our part. Once that company creates and establishes a high limit credit line account in the amount you choose, and submits the information to the credit bureaus, they have done their part. Neither Global Consulting Resources nor any company in our network who opens an account for you and reports to the credit bureaus has the ability to control the impact or outcome of your credit profile, or the algorithm the credit bureaus use to make calculations now or in the future. Your credit profile will be positively impacted organically just by adding a high limit credit line to your portfolio, and add to your overall credit worthiness as you were approved for a higher limit credit line, but there is no way to guarantee the amount your credit scores will increase now or in the future as a result of adding a positive, high limit credit reference.
For this reason, in the event you dispute the charge after we have performed services, and you receive a refund after services have been rendered, we will immediately notify the company who established the account for you and they have the legal right to report a negative credit history or that it was fraudulently opened, at their sole discretion.
Our Right to Refuse Service:
We may deny any transactions for any reason at our discretion. In other words, if you are a demanding, controlling, and manipulative person prior to ordering, we don’t want you as a demanding, controlling and manipulative client. We choose who we do business with. By agreeing to connect you with these companies who are willing to establish an account for you, this is a blessing to you now and in the future. In the event you abuse the system and treat us with disrespect, we have every right to refuse to take you on as a client who will only continue to abuse the system and treat helping hands with disrespect. Some people are dogmatic, manipulative, demanding and controlling, and treat others with disrespect. We do not need a legal reason to refuse to do business with people such as this. We are here to be a blessing to all we come into contact with, but that does not include people who kick the gift horse in the teeth, so to speak. We have the right to discontinue services at any time and refund your account.
Line of Credit Agreement:
This document, and any future changes to it, is your contract with us. We will refer to this document as your “Agreement” or “Credit Line Agreement”; these terms also include any changes we may make to this document from time to time.
We reserve the right to amend this Agreement at any time, (excluding lifetime agreements) by adding, deleting, or changing provisions of this Agreement. All amendments will comply with the applicable notice requirements of federal law that are in effect at that time. If an amendment gives you the opportunity to reject the change, and if you reject the change in the manner provided in such amendment, we may terminate your right to receive credit and may ask you to return all credits posted.
The reasons we may amend this Agreement include the following:
Changes in regulation or legislation, or a change in the interpretation of a regulation or legislation. Changes related to your individual credit history, such as: your risk profile, your payment or transaction patterns, balance patterns, the utilization levels of this and other accounts, and the measure of risk associated with each. Changes to overall economic and market trends, product design, and business needs. “We”, “us”, “our” means Global Consulting Resources “You” and “your” mean each and all of the persons who are granted, accept or use the account as authorized users, or joint accounts, and any person who has guaranteed payment of the account. You may use your account for intended purposes only. Our failure or delay in exercising any of our rights under this Agreement does not mean that we are unable to exercise those rights later.
Mobile Devices (If Applicable):
Smart phones, some tablets or other mobile devices (a “mobile device”) can download, store, and/or access account information, for instance through a mobile wallet, that may enable you to use the mobile device to purchase goods or services through the mobile APP. In certain instances, those transactions will replicate using your line of credit to make a transaction on the internet with your computer. In other instances, the phone or mobile device will act as if it were your credit line.
Applications that enable your mobile device will have unique terms governing those applications. Read them carefully. Transactions made through those applications are governed by this Agreement. When your credit line account information is accessible by your mobile device, it is important that you treat your mobile device with the same care you would your credit line sensitive data. For example, you should secure your mobile device against unauthorized access. Keep in mind, if you give someone your phone, or other mobile device, that can be the same as giving that person your vital credit line information.
Interest Rates (0% for life of account/s):
This section provides the interest rates, also referred to as corresponding Annual Percentage Rates (APRs), which are applicable to your account. The APR corresponds to the Daily Periodic Rate (DPRs): the APR is equal to the DPR multiplied by 365, and the DPR is equal to the APR divided by 365. Interest charges are calculated by using the DPR. If a rate is a variable rate, we calculate that APR by adding together an index and a margin. For more information on variable rates, please refer to the How to Calculate Variable Rates section within this summary.
Current Rates:
Your current rate is the rate that will apply to all transactions is 0%.
Your Promise to Pay:
You promise to pay us the amounts of all credit you obtain, which includes all Purchases. You also promise to pay us all the amounts of any other transactions charged to your account.
Payments on Your Account (If Applicable):
You must pay each month at least the Total Minimum Payment Due shown on your monthly statement by its Payment Due Date. Payments must conform to the requirements set out on that monthly statement; these requirements may vary without prior notice. You may pay the entire amount you owe us at any time. Payments made in any billing cycle that are greater than the Total Minimum Payment Due will not affect your obligation to make the next Total Minimum Payment Due. If you overpay or if there is a credit balance on your account. We will reject payments that are not drawn in U.S. dollars and those drawn on a financial institution located outside of the United States.
Payment Conversions (If Applicable):
We process most payment checks electronically. We use the information on your check to create an electronic funds transfer. Each time you send a check, you authorize a one-time electronic funds transfer. You also authorize us to process your check as a check or paper draft, as necessary. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment. You will not receive your cancelled check because we are required to destroy it. We will retain an electronic copy.
Minimum Payment Due (If Applicable):
You may pay your total outstanding balance at any time. With each billing cycle (30 days), you must pay at least the Total Minimum Payment Due shown on your monthly statement by its Payment Due Date. The Total Minimum Payment Due is the sum of all past due amounts plus the Current Payment. The Total Minimum Payment Due will not be greater than your New Balance Total. If a payment is credited to your account but is returned unpaid in a later billing cycle, we will recalculate the Total Minimum Payment Due for the billing cycle in which the payment was originally credited.
When Payments Are Credited (If Applicable):
We credit payments as of the date received, if the payment is: (1) received by 5 p.m. local time at the address shown on the remittance portion of your monthly statement; (2) paid with a check drawn in U.S. dollars on a U.S. financial institution or a U.S. dollar money order; and (3) sent in the return envelope with only the remittance portion of your statement accompanying it. Payments received after 5 p.m. local time at the remittance address on any day including the Payment Due Date, but that otherwise meet the above requirements, will be credited as of the next day. Credit for any other payments may be delayed up to five days.
Allocating Your Payments (If Applicable):
Payments are allocated to posted balances. Payment amounts in excess of your Total Minimum Payment Due will be applied to balances.
Your Promise to Pay (If Applicable):
All persons who initially or subsequently request, are granted, accept, guarantee or use the account are individually and together responsible for any total outstanding balance. If you are responsible to pay any total outstanding balance, we may refuse to release you from liability until all of the balance outstanding under the account have been paid to us including the total outstanding balance owed to us under the terms of this Agreement.
Default of this Agreement (If Applicable):
You will be in default of this Agreement if: (1) you fail to make any required Total Minimum Payment Due by its Payment Due Date; (2) your total outstanding balance exceeds your Total Credit Line; (3) you fail to abide by any other term of this Agreement. You will be deemed in default or delinquent if you fail to make a payment within 90 days of your Payment Due Date and will be reported to the credit bureau as per FCRA.
If We Require Immediate Repayment (If Applicable):
If you are in default, then in addition to our other remedies under this Agreement, we can require immediate payment of your total outstanding balance and, unless prohibited by applicable law, we can also require you to pay the costs we incur in any collection proceeding, as well as reasonable attorneys’ fees if we refer your account for collection to an attorney who is not our salaried employee.
Other Payment Terms (If Applicable):
We can accept late payments, partial payments, or payments with any restrictive writing without losing any of our rights under this Agreement. This means that no payment, including those marked with paid in full or with any other restrictive words, shall operate as an accord and satisfaction without our prior written approval. You may not use a postdated check to make a payment. If you do postdate a payment check, we may elect to honor it upon presentment or return it un-credited to the person that presented it, without in either case waiting for the date shown on the check. We are not liable to you for any loss or expense arising out of the action we elect to take.
Required Monthly Payments (If Applicable):
We may allow you, from time to time, to omit a monthly payment or make a reduced payment. We will notify you when these options are available. This will only occur on an isolated basis, such as when we are working with borrowers affected by a federally declared disaster. If in response to this notification, you omit a payment or make a reduced payment, interest charges, applicable fees, and other regular transactions, if any, will accrue on your account balances in accordance with this Agreement. The reduced payment amount may be less than your interest charges. You must make the reduced payment on time to avoid a Late Fee. You must resume making your regular Total Minimum Payment Due each month following any modifications made to your required minimum monthly payment.
Credit Availability (If Applicable):
Your Total Credit Line is disclosed to you when you receive your approval and, generally, on each monthly statement. The Total Credit Line is the amount of credit available for the account. We may change your credit lines from time to time. We base that decision on your payment and transaction history with us. The amounts shown on your monthly statement as available credit do not take into account pending purchases or credits which post to your account after the Closing Date of that monthly statement.
If You Exceed Your Credit Line (If Applicable):
The total outstanding balance on your account plus authorizations at any time must not be more than your Total Credit Line. Each time you attempt a transaction which results in your applicable outstanding balance (plus authorizations) exceeding a credit line, we may: (1) permit the transaction without raising your credit line; (2) permit the transaction and treat the amount of the transaction that is more than the credit line as immediately due; or (3) refuse to permit the transaction. If we refuse to permit the transaction, we may advise the person who attempted the transaction that it has been refused.
Suspended/Closed Accounts (If Applicable):
We may suspend or close your account or otherwise terminate your right to use your account. We may do this at any time and for late payment record reasons. Your obligations under this Agreement continue even after the account is closed.
Limitations / Warnings (If Applicable):
You may not use or permit your account to be used to make any illegal transaction. You will only use your account for transactions that are legal where you conduct them. We will not be liable if you engage in an illegal transaction.
Telephone Calls / Monitoring (If Applicable):
You consent to and authorize us, any of our affiliates, or our marketing associates to monitor and/or record any of your telephone conversations and other electronic communications with our representatives or the representatives of any of those companies for reasonable business purposes including security and quality assurance. We will not remind you that we may be monitoring or recording a call at the outset of the call unless required by law to do so. You allow us to review a consumer credit report if negative payments or charge offs occur on your account. Where you have provided a cell phone number directly to us, you consent and agree to accept servicing calls and text messages to your cell phone from us. For example, we may place calls to you about amounts you owe us (collection calls) on your account. For any telephone or cell phone calls/communications we place to you, you consent and agree that those calls may be automatically dialed including prerecorded messages or texts.
Collecting / Sharing Information (If Applicable):
You authorize us to collect information about you in order to conduct our business and deliver the top-quality service you expect, including information we receive about you, information we receive from third parties such as credit reporting agencies and information about your transactions with us and other companies. You authorize us to share such information about you or your account with our affiliates and others. You may have the right to opt out of some information sharing. For more details, please refer to our Privacy Notice.
We May Sell Your Account:
We may at any time, and without notice to you, sell, assign or transfer your account, any amounts due on your account, this Agreement, or our rights or obligations under your account or this Agreement to any person or entity. The person or entity to whom we make any such sale, assignment or transfer shall be entitled to all our rights and shall assume our obligations under this Agreement, to the extent sold, assigned or transferred.
Disputes After Fulfilling Our Contract:
Once the process has taken place, and we have connected you with a company who has agreed to establish a high limit credit line account for you, we have done our part. Once that company creates and establishes a high limit credit line account in the amount you choose, and submits the information to the credit bureaus, they have done their part. Neither Global Consulting Resources nor any company in our network who opens an account for you and reports to the credit bureaus has the ability to control the impact or outcome of your credit profile, or the algorithm the credit bureaus use to make calculations now or in the future. Your credit profile will be positively impacted organically just by adding a high limit credit line to your portfolio, and add to your overall credit worthiness as you were approved for a higher limit credit line, but there is no way to guarantee the amount your credit scores will increase now or in the future as a result of adding a positive, high limit credit reference.
For this reason, in the event you dispute the charge after we have performed our services, and you receive a refund after services have been rendered, we will immediately notify the company who established the account for you and they have the legal right to report as negative credit history or that it was fraudulently opened, at their discretion.
We Have the Right to Transfer Your Account:
We may at any time, and without notice to you, sell, assign or transfer your account, any amounts due on your account, this Agreement, or our rights or obligations under your account or this Agreement to any person or entity. The person or entity to whom we make any such sale, assignment or transfer shall be entitled to all of our rights and shall assume our obligations under this Agreement, to the extent sold, assigned or transferred.
Applicable Law:
This Agreement is made in MI and we extend credit to you from MI. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of MI (without regard to its conflict of laws principles) and by any applicable federal laws.
Provisions of this Agreement:
We use section headings (e.g., Types of Transactions) to organize this Agreement. The headings are for reference purposes only.
Your Billing Rights:
Keep This Document For Future Use This notice tells you about your rights and our responsibilities under the Fair Credit Billing Act.